Thanks, justvote, for great description of your evening party. I bet it was really fun. The evening parties we have had at our ES have been fun also for those in attendance. And our PTA does a phenomenal job making it all happen, much enthusiastic and dedicated effort.
I am starting with premise that ES age kids love the fun of this time of year, and also they love celebrating with their classmates. Look no further than the kids last night, the ES in school parades, and the ES evening events for proof.
But here is something to consider....the evening parties are
less inclusive . Even though you and I got to attend the evening parties and have fun, think of how many students were unable to participate and missed out.
Things to consider:
-Families with work schedules at night cant drive and/or be with their kids as required. The Georgetown principle mentioned this, as a reason for their going with daytime party
-Families with kids at other schools. The evening events
will conflict with MS and HS evening events, I bet its almost unavoidable. I personally know one evening event conflicted with a band concert, another one with a sporting event. Families cannot be two places at once. If you have MS or HS students in same family, it can be hard to go to the ES evening event, or you miss out on something else you wanted to do.
-At our ES, one has to pay nominal amount for each game you play, going through spook house, drinks, and snacks. For me this usually comes out to $5 or even $10 per kid. I understand financial support is required (such as PTA funds, donations). But by making it any cost to a family by definition makes it less inclusive. This surely prevents some kids from being about to participate, even if they could come. Coming up with an extra $20 towards end of a month is not always trivial for many families.
-I guess I am kind of making a joke with this one (but not really ...), with the crowds we always have at parties, I submit that long lines are "not inclusive"
. With the in class parties, a student gets better chance to participate in the games I believe.
-Finally, a social point. I have been to most (not all) of the 5 evening parties our school has. I have seen it with both my ES age children. When they go to these big evening parties....its not really a class bonding activity, where they get to know their class mates better, see class mates in different light, deepen a friendship. They end up running around with 3 or 4 of their already good friends, and not paying too much attention to anybody else. I am not saying thats wrong. But maybe a school sponsored event should have a broader goal of also creating "class bonding and spirit" among the class mates. You dont get that as much in evening event.
(To my ES daughter's credit....there was somebody I didnt recognize in her group, she told me oh thats so-and-so the new girl. So her and her friends made a good welcoming use of our party, good for them)
So, evening parties definitely have pluses, no doubt. But their are trade-offs, too. That is life! But to me....I think its more fun to have 99% participation with in school party, as opposed to (for various reasons) <50% (my guess) participation at night. Yes, its a judgement to be made.