I agree. It's going to be a long few years if this is how he is about everything. I was told that I should have been aware this was coming because it was on Dr. Daeschner's list of initiatives. Do we have access to this list? I don't remember seeing it.
Superintendent Targets & Goals
Revised October 22, 2007
Stephen Daeschner
Three Goals - Adopted: Oct. 22, 2007
Goal I.
Improve the average academic achievement of all students, especially in areas of
reading, writing, and mathematics, with focus emphasis on underperforming
subgroups of African-Americans, Hispanics, students on Free & Reduced Lunch,
ELL and students with disabilities. Reduce the achievement gap between these
subgroups and the overall district average by 5% for 2007-08 school year. This
will be accomplished by focusing on following activities:
a. Continual development and implementation of a system of intervention
strategies and programs to improve academic performance of all low
performing students during the 2007-2008 school year. Continue to
implement and expand the intervention team at every building. (Measure –
fall assessment scores vs. end of year assessment scores of all identified
students) Responsibility - Instructional Services, Education Dept. Lead
Administrator – Kathy Duncan
b. Implementation of all day kindergarten pilot in four schools for identified
low performing students during the 2007-2008 school year. Identify and
determine the necessary space, materials and curricular initiatives to
efficiently and effectively extend the all day pilot to all elementary schools
for all kindergarten students. (Measure – fall assessment scores vs. end of
year assessment scores of all identified students) Responsibility –
Instructional Services, Education Dept. Lead Administrator – Kathy
Duncan and Martha Baumann
c. Ongoing development and refinement of an assessment system in every
school that provides periodic benchmarks at Pre-K through eighth grades (3
times per year) resulting in increased amount of time and quality of reading,
writing and mathematics instruction especially for low performing students
during the 2007-2008 school year. (Measure – CBM trend data and review
of each school’s improvement plan and initiatives) Responsibility –
Education Dept., Instructional Services Lead Administrator –
Kathy Duncan
Development and implementation of common formative assessments,
initially within core courses, at grades nine through twelve to adjust
instructional practices resulting in improved academic achievement.
(Measure – PSAE trend data) Responsibility – Education Dept.,
Instructional Services Lead Administrator – Patrick Nolten
d. Identification and implementation of at least one pedagogy strategy
per school to focus on improving achievement of all students during the
2007-2008 school year. (Measure – review of each school’s improvement
plan, school instructional planning artifacts, observation by administrators,
and survey of teachers in each school) Responsibility – Kevin Myers and
Martha Baumann
e. Identify and initiate instructional leadership systems approach to
instructional leadership that improves the leadership of principals, teacher
leaders and Building Leadership Teams in each school. Systems to
include leadership, structure (scheduling, teaming, etc.), data to
drive instruction, curriculum, pedagogy, imbedded professional
development, community relations, culture of high expectations and
continuous improvement, and budget. (Measure – observations at each
school by administrators, BLT planning artifacts, end of year survey)
Responsibility – Education Department Lead Administrator – Kathy Birkett
f. Implementation of professional development system in each school
that focuses on training that is narrow and focused, job embedded, data
driven, long term and collegial during the 2007-2008 school year. (Measure
– review of each school professional development compared to above
criteria and observation by administrators) Responsibility – Martha
Baumann, Kevin Myers, Tricia McCarthy
g. Review and development of science curriculum at the elementary
level. Review the 2007-2008 implementation of K-8 writing curriculum.
Expand writing curriculum by restructuring the research component and
developing assessment tools for all grade levels. (Measure – plan and
implementation starting August 2008) Responsibility – Kathy Duncan, John
Rhodes, Pat Hitt
h. Develop and implement a plan for increased student participation and course
offering for Advanced Placement courses beginning August 2008. (Measure
– number or students participating and number of courses in Advanced
Placement) Responsibility – Kathy Birkett, Kevin Myers, high school
Goal II.
Implement a strategic planning system that incorporates needs assessment, goal
setting, activities delineation, data driven benchmarks, and briefings regarding the
separate operations of each revision in Indian Prairie School District for 2007-08
school year. The system will specifically involve the following sub systems:
a. Development of overall technology plan delineating at least wide and local
area network, enterprise sub-systems, technology curriculum and student
testing, technology applications in the curriculum, hardware and software
utilization, staff development, and financial implication. (Measure – Plan by
January 2008) Responsibility – CIO and Stephen Daeschner
b. Review and analyze the Special Education delivery model comparing and
contrasting with other district models by investigating test scores, studentteacher
ratio, aid to student ratio, specialist to student ratio, cost per student
by categories, busing costs, percent categories by disabilities and other
delivery model comparisons. In addition, collect and review cognitive and
non-cognitive data both longitudinal and comparative with other districts
and standards. (Analysis by January 2008) Responsibility – Sharon Tate
c. Review and analyze our pre-school delivery model collecting data to reflect
pupil-teacher ratio, aid to pupil ratio, both regular students and special
education students, specialist to pupil ratio, bus costs and cost benefit ratio
for all categories. In addition, review outcome data both cognitive and noncognitive.
(Measure – Evaluation Plan by January 2008)
Responsibility – Sharon Tate
d. Develop and implement through Human Resources a system to recruit and
screen the best possible administrators, certified and classified staff using
modern technology and sensitivity to culture and role models needed for our
diverse student population. Establish benchmarks and targets in the above
areas. Provide assistance to first and second year teachers and establish
retention benchmarks. Develop appropriate employee evaluation models
that assist in the improvement of all employees. (Measure – system
designed by March 2008) Responsibility – Nancy Pedersen
e. In the area of finance, develop cost/benefit studies that assist management
with budget and program decisions regarding employee to student ratio,
program cost comparison, long-range financial forecasts, based on
anticipated revenue, expenditures, and strategic decision making. Analyze
the benefits to single source banking, long range expenditures regarding
preferred maintenance, and other major district initiatives. (Measure –
charts and measure by February 2008, Single Source RFP by January 2008,
Preferred Maintenance by December 2009) Responsibility – Dave Holm
f. Plan, develop and implement activities to build and open Metea Valley
High School within public approved revenue and open a seventh middle
school as soon as possible, and adjust middle school boundaries.
Responsibility – Stephen Daeschner, Dave Holm, Kathy Birkett
g. Analyze pros and cons of starting and ending times of elementary, middle
and high school by condensing bus schedules. (Plan by November 2007 -
Implementation by August 2008) Responsibility – Karla Zozulia
Goal III.
Review, develop, and implement an internal and external communication plan that
incorporates the following:
a. Develop and implement at elementary level, middle school level, and high
school level processes to communicate with parents, non-parents, and
businesses in their attendance areas regarding students’ achievement, staff
goals and recognition of schools’ environment. (Plan by January 2008)
Responsibility – Janet Buglio
b. Implement periodic surveys to assess public perception and reaction to
changes regarding student improvement at both school and district level.
(Plan by January 2008 - Implement by April 2008) Responsibility – Janet
c. Develop long range plan to increase community awareness of our schools,
students, budget, and goals for Indian Prairie. (Plan by February 2008)
Responsibility – Janet Buglio